Hey Guys

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hey people!

sorry i havent posted in a looooooong time. my family has been so busy and theyre goin to norway over the break and i have to go to the petsmart hoted >:(

anyways, yay i missed u all sososososososo much and i wonder if any of u guys will get to see this since ur probably not expecting anything from this blog...but here i am!!

well some updates:
i got a stroller!! its blue, its cool, its awesome, and it has a little flap in the front that opens so i can lie down on it and peek out. the picture isnt of my stroller, its a stroller we were borrowing until mine arrived. i also met a really nice doggy in my neighborhood. im not exactly sure if he liked me, but it was fun chasing him around. teehee. i have also taken to shopping and now it is my favorite thing to do. when i hear the word "shopping" i run to the door and jump into my little juicy bag.

well, i hope u guys are all doing well. if your still in school, good luck on midterms and have a great break from school. if your not, have a great break from work and have fun with your little doggies. we love to spend time with u guys right?

My Bath

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hey everyone!

thank you to all of you people who made me feel better.  now im perfectly fine and i want to show u some vids from my bath!   not just any bath, but my first bath EVER!!  ok......izzys gonna have to wait at the conputer for like 3 hours for it to load.  grrrrrrr.......

anywho, here they are

well,  ya.  this was ma first bath.  i know, not very good vid, the first one but my 7 year old big sister took it so i forgive her.

do you like it when i have videos in my posts?  i might do it more often if u do!

Im Not Dead!!

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hey bloggie friends!!

sorry for being wiped off the face of the earth!!  maybe i was on jupiter......anyways, i was gone because i started loosing hair under by right eye.  it was pretty bad.  i also had very gross eye boogers there....*shudders*.  

anywhoo, it wasn't red so we suspected it was allergies.  i was itching it very much so we decided that i should go to the evil hooman in the evil hooman place that smells of latex and see the evil hooman white cloaks and into the evil hooman room in the back where no doggie mommie has never ever been in.  mommy and izzy have no clue whats in there.  the evil hooman with evil hooman cloak asked my mommy (izzy and katarina were in school) to patiently wait as i was stolen from her.  he said he was going to examine/test in the evil hooman secret back room.  

when i came out, the bald spot (which was only about 1cm in diameter had grown and my skin was BRIGHT RED!!  NO!!!!  MY CUTENICITY!!!  i looked scary!!  i was very sad.  the hooman had scraped some skin to test it.  they saw nothing wrong with it and asked to scrape AGAIN to get EVEN DEEPER!!  it has been a few hours and i am STILL slightly bleeding.  the little spot has gone down in swelling slightly now.  it is a little less red.  here is the sadness of my eye right now!!

 ok.  enough with saddening news.  today, i came to my bloggie and notice 12 NEW COMMENTS on my last post!!  thats a record!!  i have NEVER had more than 5!!  yay!!  and also, Nottie Scottie has given me a wonderful award!!

i would like to pass this award on to:
or Anyone Else who Wants this AWARD!!!

so, the doctor gave us some ointment to put on the redness.  he said to put a little IN the EYE!!  mommy was shocked!!  she was like INNNNNN  the EYYEEE?????  well, when izzy decided to investigate, she found this warning on the instructions inside the box:
Think what could have happened if we didnt read the warning?  thats right, i could have been blinded.......

Working with the Snuggle Puggle

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Work part 1:

today and yesterday i had some yummy working fun.  first, i had my crunchy sweet apple on the luxuriously soft bed.  ahhhh.....  i had fun!!

moi!!  look at my cute little face!!
Here i am again waiting, almost falling over, to have my apple piece!!

Part 2: i found an ice cube.  yummy!
here i am licking it.  cold!

*munch munch munch*  im munching on one piece while another is wating for me =)


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as you know my fellow dogians, i just posted that i needed to get neutered.  and look what i heard!!!  

Blogger Scottie the 'cutie' said...
You look so cute on top of the bed there, Tobi! I hope your surgery goes well...=) Hope you have a great week too!

oh no.  i have heard about surgery.  it does not sound happy.  it sounds a little scary actually.  thank you scottie for telling me.  now i know........my hoomans are plotting against me............

Ive Been MIA

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hey everyone!!

sorry ive been MIA for a while.  im having issues with my peewees and poopoos.  im 5 months now.........time to be neutered (whatever tht is).  i also had a walk around the block with miko, my neighbor.  im very tired and calm.  ive been feeling a little down these days......ya.  anyways, here r some pics of me being not so down:


k.  Lets Go!!

This is Teddy Dog.  Hes my friend...

i like wrestling with him!

Ok.  After all that fun i have i am feeling very nice.  how about an award for my other new friend, Lorenza!!
your a mixture of all the special things that people love!!

New Friends n Awards!!

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YAY!!  i luff new friends.  i have 7 new friendS (and 6 bloggies)!!  the first ones are the juicy princesses.  heres an award for u guys:

i have two puggle friends.  eduardo the snuggle puggle, n mr. puggle!!  AWARD TIME:

i have a scottie friend nottie scottie!!  i hav always liked how he is black like mE!!!!!  here ya go:

A cute scruffy wet nosed friend, Tibby!!!   just 4 u:

and last but not least is tessa!!  heres a maltie award 4 u: